Archive for October, 2010

The Perfect Fit

Some things just go together . . .

. . . like a button

in a button hole






. . . like a blanket on a bed




. . . like butter and bread




. . . like ice cream and pie


. . . like a key in a lock




. . . like a piece in a puzzle




. . . like links in a chain




. . . like the stars

in the sky


Everyone wants to find a perfect fit with someone or  something else–a soul mate, a life partner, a lover, a husband, a wife . . . I believe we have the incredible opportunity to find our own perfect fit in this life. In fact I think we can find many and that the fit changes with our circumstances, the timing of life itself, our attitudes and our desires. We can have a perfect fit with a job, a perfect fit with our spouse, even a perfect fit with a car. What about a perfect fit with a lover? What constitutes the definition of a perfect fit with another person? Is it even possible? The idea of a perfect fit invokes more questions than answers.

This is a blog dedicated to exploring all of the issues, questions, answers and adventure surrounding a love affair between two people who feel they have found a perfect fit. As you read their story and learn about them, know that they are not perfect and do not claim to be. Yet as they open their hearts and minds to all that is happening to them and between them, also know that they are genuine and real and in love.